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I Wanna Rub You Up And Down

Whether you’ve ever used lube or not, you should consider my pros and cons.

I had never used it myself until a few weeks ago, but I feel it is time to share my experience. Then you can tell me what you think!

Please note: the above image is for aesthetic purposes only. The real thing would never look like that… I hope!

Here goes:


  • Let’s start with the obvious: sexual enhancement. Without lube, sex is perfectly fine. Well, it’s amazing actually. But if you’re bored of the same old thing, lube is the one for you.
  • Vaginal dryness? Again, lube helps with that! Who knew there was an artificial form of wetness these days? Well… Anyone who has used lubricant, of course!
  • It’s cheap. You can get 10 sachets of lube for around £4 on certain websites. And it’s not the tacky, unknown brand names either. It’s the real thing.
  • Is your man just a little bit too big for you? It doesn’t matter if you’re a gay man, a straight woman or a lesbian with a dildo, using lube will make things a lot easier if you’re, you know… ‘Tight’ down there.
  • They come in a variety of flavours. I personally like the ‘very cherry’ sachets of lube that I own. And it’s not just taste you can experiment with. Lube also comes as a massage enhancer, some tingle (my favourite!) and some even heat up. I’m not sure of the purpose of the ‘heating up’ process, but I’m pretty sure it makes oral sex even better.


  • Some don’t taste as good as you’d think. For example, using the ‘pina colada’ flavoured one probably isn’t the best bet when you’re hungover or feeling slightly sick. The smell alone will make you dizzy and the thought of eating the stuff? *gag*
  • It gets EVERYWHERE. This is probably my personal pet hate when it comes to lube. Because it is often runny and uncontrollable, it leaves you having to change your bed sheets twice a week. (If you’re as sexually active as I am). And when I say ‘everywhere’, I mean it: lube can go in every crevice of your junk, even if you don’t want it there. And my GOD is it hard to wash off.
  • If you’re naturally wet down there, using too much lube can make you TOO wet. I know, I know, wetter is always better. But is gooey AND wet always better? Hmm…

Overall, I’d say I have more pros than cons when it comes to lube, but the fact that it means more laundry for me is not something to love.

I’d recommend a lubricant once in a while, but using it every time can just get fucking annoying.

So, do you recommend lube or not? Vote below!


Filed under Sex